January 20, 2019

Week 17

Last week I failed to mention that we had begun working at the Central Louisiana Food Bank for a couple of hours a week.  Our co-workers are inmates from the Rapides Parish Correctional Facility and a variety of volunteers.  It is actually a good experience, and the inmates who work with us are very nice.

Also last week, we had a Seminaries and Institutes Faculty Training on Sunday evening.  We generally have those monthly.  Unlike when we were in Oklahoma, though, we are the teachers rather than the participants.

Tuesday evening we presented some information about the Addiction Recovery Program at the Bishops Training Meeting.  We still only had one person attend on Thursday, but he said he wants to keep coming and he felt more hope this week than he has in a while.

On Wednesday we left home at 6 am to drive to Baton Rouge for a mission tour zone conference.  The Seventy making the tour was Elder Bradley D. Foster (and his wife).  It is highly unusual to have this many general authorities visit a mission in such a short time, but the meeting a few weeks ago was actually associated with area training and stake conferences.  They all just added in a meeting with the missionaries.  This visit's only purpose was touring the mission and meeting with missionaries.  Interestingly, this is Elder Foster's last mission tour--he will become emeritus at the next General Conference.

First President and Sister Varner spoke for a few minutes, and both told tender stories that touched my heart.  Then Sister Foster spoke and shared some sweet stories from her experiences.  She said we can't look at ourselves with squinty eyes--we have to see ourselves at God sees us.  That perspective gives meaning to things we see and experience every day; but we need to keep moving to get to the full comprehension of things as they really are.  Elder Foster spoke, then after a break did some training, then after another break he made some closing remarks.

I know I can't capture the feeling of the meeting, or even do justice to the messages, but here are a couple of highlights from Elder Foster (geared for the young missionaries, but great messages for senior missionaries, as well):

  1. A mission is never about you, it's always about THEM.  "Them" is your companion, the members, the non-members.  Focus on serving them.
  2. In the song "Called to Serve" we sing the line . . . tell the Father's story.  What is the Father's story?  It's the plan for all of His children, the plan of salvation.  The plan is the WHY for all of the commandments and all the rest of the gospel.
  3. Missionary work is not a membership drive.  It's about helping people participate fully in the plan.
  4. What do you want to say to Heavenly Father in your last prayer as a full-time missionary?  Thinking about that occasionally along the way will change perspective and help you be able to say "I've done enough."  
All of the above illustrated with stories, scriptures, and experiences.  Really a wonderful conference and a spiritual shot in the arm.

Here's another picture of the temple:

A little more progress every time we see it

Thursday we left home at 5:30 am to go to the seminary class in Dry Prong.  We had gone to Alexandria institute the night before; these were our first class visits of the semester.  

Today was Branch Conference in Marksville.  With all of the stake visitors, our attendance was almost tripled! After good meetings, we had a pot luck lunch and got to visit while eating good food.

We just finished FHE with our two Young Single Adults.  They were gone for the Christmas break, so we started again last week.  We really have fun together and it's good to have them back in town.

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