February 17, 2019

Week 21

A fairly quiet week.  On Tuesday we visited the early morning seminary class in Natchitoches, then drove over to Many to train a new institute teacher there.  This will be a brand new class in Many--pretty exciting to have enough interested young adults (both single and married) to give it a try.  That night we visited the institute class here in Alexandria.

We don't go to district council very often because of other commitments on Wednesdays, but we went this week.  It is always great to see the young elders and sisters reporting their goals and outcomes and to hear them discuss ways to be more effective in finding and teaching.  Wednesday night it was back up to Natchitoches to visit the institute class.

This week we started a new assignment; inspecting the two missionary apartments in Alexandria and the one in Marksville.  That happens every six weeks, the week before transfers.  We did Alexandria on Thursday and Marksville on Friday.  As one might expect, the sisters' apartment was pretty good, and the elders' apartments needed more attention.  There are two reasons for inspections--the Spirit is more comfortable in a clean environment, and when apartments are closed, the mission doesn't want to lose the security/cleaning deposit.  Apparently that happens far more than it should.

For Valentine's Day we ate at a Japanese hibachi restaurant.  On Friday we visited with a few members in Marksville after doing our inspection.

The pink magnolias have been in bloom for a couple of weeks, but now we're starting to see purple ones.  They are soooo pretty!

Saturday was the adult session and Sunday the general session of stake conference.  All of the speakers were good and uplifting, but our vising general authority was Elder Claudio Costa of the Seventy.  He is currently serving as the President of the North America South East Area.  Wow--what an amazing man and what an amazing speaker.  When our mission president, President Varner, spoke today, he said, "We didn't hear a sermon last night, we felt one."  That's so true, and was true again today.  I'll only share one thing he said, "Since I joined the Church 42 years ago, I've never had a bad day.  Sure, I've had problems and challenges, but never a bad day.  That's because the Father's plan is a plan of happiness, and it makes every day good regardless of what is happening."

We learned from the Baton Rouge Temple Matron that the Angel Moroni was placed this Wednesday, that the stone facade should be in place by April 15, and that all the reconstruction should be done by August 15.  When the re-dedication and opening will be has not been announced.

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