March 31, 2019

Week 27

For about two weeks our car has been covered with a thin layer of pollen.  We've washed it twice, but more pollen just keeps coming--looks like yellow chalk dust.  Poor Elder Kerr's hay fever is going crazy and his eyes just itch and itch. 

We see wisteria all over the place, and some of it is in nice discreet mounds.  However, we also see great tall patches where the wisteria has used trees as a trellis and towers overhead.  Don't know if it was done deliberately or just the nature of the aggressive plant, but these tree-trellised plants are very common.

At least 20 feet tall
This was a fairly quiet week.  We visited one early morning seminary class and did three apartment inspections.  After the inspection on Thursday, we took the Alexandria sisters (one from Idaho and one from Tennessee) to lunch at Steamboat Bill's, known for their Cajun seafood.  The shrimp etouffee is fabulous. We took the Marksville elders (both from Utah) to lunch after their inspection on Friday, but the scheduling of the Alexandria elders didn't work with lunch, so we owe them a meal.  So great to visit and work with the young missionaries.   The whole system of missionary work throughout the world is nothing short of a miracle.  Mission presidents and their wives serve such an important role in the lives of the young sisters and elders, and they truly operate on inspiration.

Friday afternoon we went to the LSUA softball double header.  They played the Houston Victoria Jaguars, ranked number one in the conference and also nationally ranked in their division.  They beat LSUA 4-3, 3-2 (and 5-3 in 8 innings on Saturday).  McKell pitched the second half of the first game and they didn't get any more runs.  Siearrah hit an out of the park home run and scored again in the first game.  Beautiful weather for the games.

Siearrah and McKell
I've mentioned before that this is crawfish season.  Again, local stores cater to the needs/wants of the community:

The "boil" is serious business

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