June 16, 2019

Week 38

We had Zone Conference on Tuesday.  It is always good to hear council from President and Sister Varner.  Even though primarily directed at the young proselyting missionaries, there are always a spirit and messages applicable to all.  President Varner talked about how Amulek had forsaken all his gold, silver, and precious things to preach the word of God (Alma 15:16) and stated that technology may get in the way of completely submitting our wills to the Father.  To be effective missionaries, frequent and/or improper technology use is a "precious thing" that needs to be forsaken.  A very interesting discussion followed as missionaries gave their suggestions on how to control tech use while still using the cell phones appropriately.

This just was not a problem or issue in the 1970s when we were young missionaries.  Most great tools can have a downside, and "phone addiction" is a problem for lots of folks, not just missionaries.  Interesting to think about, especially in light of what may be lost in the time that is taken over by technology. 

We returned from the prison Wednesday just in time to stream the Global CES Faculty Training Meeting.  It was two hours of fabulous messages from Chad Web, the Church Education System administrator, Bonnie Cordon, Young Women General President, Elder Kim B. Clark, and Elder Jeffery R. Holland.  The time and resources the Church puts into seminary and institute is amazing. Elder Holland said that probably 30% of the time in council meetings is devoted to youth issues, including CES.  Helping youth and young adults learn about and gain testimonies of Jesus Christ and His gospel is a high priority, and it is a privilege to be part of that in Louisiana.  Wednesday evening was our institute class, and we love teaching that.

Friday we went to Dallas to attend the temple.  We arrived in the afternoon and did initiatory, endowment and sealings Friday, and an endowment session on Saturday.  Friday the worker held back the curtain in initiatory, and it was Susan Liu--the first person I taught on my mission in Taiwan 42 years ago!  She and her husband were just about ready for baptism when I got to Taiwan, and my Chinese was too poor to add much to Sister Christy's final lessons, but we remained good friends throughout my entire mission.  I knew her family had come to the states in the early 80s, but we lost track of each other until she called about 20 years ago to see if she and her daughter could stay with me for a few days--she was taking Grace to the MTC prior to her mission to Taiwan.  That was a joyous occasion

And now, another 20 years later, here was Susan being an ordinance worker in Dallas. We were both so surprised and so delighted to see each other. She was going off shift, so she did an endowment and sealings with us.  Then she had us join her sister and brother-in-law for dinner (great Chinese, of course).  We had a wonderful time and it just made me so happy to see her.

On the temple grounds and at restaurant with Sophia and Randy
On Saturday, Kerby ran into an old friend from St. Joseph, MO--Jerry Jensen--at the temple.  He had relocated to Dallas a few years ago.

After the session on Saturday, we went to the Dallas Museum of Art before heading home.  It was a nice museum and we especially enjoyed the impressionist paintings. 

Chihuly glass disks in window; Big Man, Little Man (notice tiny little figure on the left)
The drive home was uneventful and pleasant, just long.  As mentioned in a previous post, we'll be very happy in November to spend just 2 1/2 hours going to the Baton Rouge Temple instead of 4 1/2 hours to Houston or Dallas. 

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