September 1, 2019

Week 49

This was an extremely quiet week, so very little to report.  We substituted in institute on Wednesday, and it was the first day of the new semester.  The course of study is Latter-day Saint History, 1815-1846, using the book Saints as the student manual.  We read the book when it came out last year, but started reading it again, since two the of institute classes in the stake are studying that.  What a remarkable history and what an engaging book!

We got a call from the chaplain's office at the prison saying that because of some training there would be no chapel services that day.  So we arranged to see someone in Marksville instead, but she stood us up. 

While in Marksville we stopped at "our" cotton field.  In driving by we could see lots of blossoms, but we also thought we saw cotton bolls.  Sure enough, they have started forming, and today there were virtually no blossoms to be seen as we drove by.

Notice the cotton and blossoms on the plant on lower right--blossoms are gone now
Sign at the Church of the Nazarene:
God can do anything but fail.

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