December 29, 2019

Week 66

We had our district of missionaries come to breakfast Christmas morning--it was fun to start the day that way.

Merry Christmas with the Alexandria District
We had a relaxing day talking to family and eating a nice little dinner. Later in the day we went to the park for a walk--this may be our last warm Christmas (it reached 70 degrees) and we wanted to take advantage of it.  After walking, we drove around a few neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights.

Christmas day walk in the park; posing in front of live oak trees--they never lose their leaves
Thursday we had a good lesson/visit with our Pollock prisoner--it's always dicey whether or not the prison will be on lockdown when we go.  Luckily not this week.

On Friday afternoon we drove to Baton Rouge to attend the temple--we did sessions Friday evening and Saturday morning.  The pictures of flowers below were taken on the temple grounds.  Beautiful roses, camellias, azaleas, snap dragons, pansies, and several other types in full bloom. 

December 28th in the South

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