September 25, 2018

The MTC and Travels

A little late because we just got internet connection yesterday.

We had a wonderful 2 1/2 days at the MTC in our Seminary and Institute training.  Just some great help in teaching the gospel and connecting with youth and young single adults.  On Tuesday Elder Neil L. Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve was our devotional speaker, and was, of course, very good--he spoke about the temple.  Afterward, Sister Keaton Carter, a YSA from Stillwater, came to say hello--she'd spotted us from her seat in the choir (we'd seen her once before in the cafeteria).  It was delightful to see her, as we'd become quite attached when we were in Stillwater.

Sister Carter--going to Paris, France
Wednesday was half a day of training, then we finished loading the car and set off for Denver, arriving at 11:30 pm (and a bit tired).  We spent Thursday with Kim, Doug and the girls--won't be getting many grandkid hugs for a while.  We're going to miss all of our grandchildren, great nieces and nephews, and all their parents.

Early Friday morning we started our drive to Wichita Falls, TX, and arrived about 7 pm.  We drove through more rain than we've seen in Utah for ages, and most of the intersections were flooded. The next day we continued to drive though pouring rain until we were well past Dallas.  Then we just had intermittent rain and mist the rest of the way to Alexandria, where we arrived at 4 pm Saturday.

On the was we passed fields and fields of cotton, at least 100 egrets, and beautiful lush green trees and pastures.

Our apartment is very nice, much newer and larger than the one we had on our last mission.  Because we weren't sure if we would get here before the apartment office closed, the sisters assigned to the area had one key to our apartment and the other was in the office.  We made it in time, but the sisters came shortly after to give us the other key.

Sisters Martin and Parkinson and their Louisiana tracting footwear--great waterproof boots!
Sunday we attended our branch in Marksville--about a 40 minute drive from here. The branch meets in what is essentially a triple wide trailer. I counted 35 people including 10 children, 4 missionaries, and 2 stake visitors.  Never in my life have I experienced a welcome at church like we had there.  People kept saying things like, "You're OUR missionaries?  You're going to STAY in our branch?"  On the 4th Sunday, they have a linger longer pot luck meal after church, and we sure had some good Cajun cooking. 

Much more to follow, but will end by saying we've been greatly blessed in every way.  We're excited for our new adventure and know that very little in life brings as much satisfaction and as many blessings as serving the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so looking forward to reading of your adventures each week. Glad you made it to your mission safely! Sending lots of love your way!

    Kathy Muffler
