September 16, 2018


We arrived at the Missionary Training Center at 9:45 am on Monday, September 10.  After going through the checking in/arrival process, we had our picture taken (it's part of the process) to prove we are here:
Outside the MTC

Finding our Spot in the World
On Monday, 113 senior missionaries came with our group.  They are going all over the world and in quite a variety of assignments (Office, Church Education System, Sister Auxiliary Support, Member Leader Support, Pathways, YSA, Military Relations. . . ).  After an orientation, a partial tour, and lunch, we all met together for the official start to our training.

First we were divided into districts, then came together for a session about the Doctrine of Christ and the Missionary Purpose.  The Spirit was in evidence as we studied and listened to our instructor.  This really is the Lord's work and it is a privilege to be part of it. Then the MTC president and his wife spoke to us.  That evening for Family Home Evening, we watched a Christmas MTC video of Elder Bednar talking about The Character of Christ; it was absolutely superb, both humbling and inspiring.

Tuesday each district went with its teacher for the morning's instruction.  Our morning teacher was Brother Roberts. He's been home from his mission to Scottsdale, AZ, just three months, and here he was poised, personable, and enthusiastic teaching four senior couples.  Our afternoon teacher was Sister Yonk.  She's taught at the MTC for two years since her mission to Italy.  

The training this time was completely different than it was when we were here three years ago.  It was much more applicable to the types of assignments senior missionaries have, and we enjoyed it even more than last time.  I won't go into all the exercises and experiences we had, but between large group and small group activities and lessons, we increased our capacity for and excitement about missionary work.

On Tuesday night, Elder Robert C. Gay of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke.  The majority of the 2100 young missionaries here sang in the choir, and they were simply amazing.  With one hour of practice they sounded like a polished choir singing Nearer, My God, to Thee.  A few of Elder Gay's points:  You can live your life by covenant or by convenience.--  The easiest thing you can do is quit; be a partaker and finisher.--  Forsake the world and do it His way. -- You cannot move missionary work forward without personal revelation.

There are two beautiful, impressive new buildings at the MTC.  The next two pictures were taken in those:

Done by a Japanese artist--the "birds" above represent spirits coming to the earth, the "birds" below represent those leaving
Finally, a picture of our district:

The Birds, going to Provo; the Heilners going to Cambridge, England; the Gowans going to Ohio; us
We attended our MTC Senior Branch today for our church meetings, and we go back tomorrow for our CES training, which lasts until noon on Wednesday.

It's been a week of growth and learning, feelings of inadequacy and hope, and above all, a week of gratitude for our Savior and His atonement.

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