December 2, 2018

Week 10

Last Sunday morning, we got a text from the bishop of the Alexandria Ward asking if we could substitute in seminary all week--he had submitted names for the new teacher, but the call hadn't been issued yet.  So, we got up at 4:45 am every day last week (and tomorrow) and taught the four students in the 6 am class.  Despite the early hour, it was a pretty neat experience.  We spent about 90 minutes today starting the orientation for the new teachers (a substitute was called, as well as the regular teacher).  Gave us even more admiration for the early morning seminary teachers of our youth!

Wednesday we had the interesting experience of being companions to a young elder for the day.  It was transfer day and due to limited space in the vehicle taking elders down south and picking up the new elder, this missionary was stranded here from about 9 am to 5 pm.  He is delightful, but I'm afraid it was a rather boring day for him as we were busy preparing lessons and other house-bound things.

When we went visiting this week, we met a woman who lives in a unique house.  It was built about 30 years before the Civil War in Marksville.  We've never seen the movie Twelve Years a Slave, but it's the story of a free black man from the North who was captured and carried to the South, where he spent 12 years as a slave.  Well, the lawyer who finally won his freedom was named Waddil, and this was his house!  It happens to be on Waddil street.  The house was originally on another site and was moved to this one with logs, horses, and slaves.  This woman has lived there eight years and has been fixing it up since she bought it.  Her mother and sister live just two doors down the street. 

For the Day of Service on Saturday we went to the local food bank with the elders and sisters in Alexandria. 

Top:  Elders Peterson (fresh from MTC this week) and Dickerson, us, Sisters Sleight (new to district) and Martin
We live in a pretty nice neighborhood.  Less than a block from us this cozy little cottage is for sale.  It's 20,000 square feet plus a 3,000 square foot entertainment house, 5 bedrooms, 6 full baths, 3 half baths, 4 fireplaces, and many other features on 4 acres.

It's yours for only $1.7 million

But the entry alone is worth it!
 Weather report:  The middle of the week was quite cold, but yesterday the high was 80 degrees and today wasn't much lower. We watched the Christmas Devotional, and when they showed the grounds all covered with snow, it really looked like Christmas.  The two YSAs are going home to Utah this week for the holiday, and they got very excited about getting back to real winter weather. 

It was a busy week because of seminary preparation and teaching, but not a lot else to report.

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