December 23, 2018

Week 13

Tuesday we drove to Baton Rouge (about 2 1/4 hours) in the thickest fog I've ever seen.  We left home at 7 am and it was foggy the whole way--couldn't see any of the interesting scenery. (And since it was dark when we came home, we still couldn't see the scenery.)  It was Christmas Zone Conference with about 5 zones and really a delightful day.  There were three conferences all together; ours was the largest with about 90 missionaries in attendance.

President Varner shared the following that I thought was very interesting.  When the missionaries are teaching people, they can do three things to help them know the Godhead.  First, teaching them how to pray introduces them to Heavenly Father.  Second, having them read the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ, introduces them to Jesus Christ. Third, inviting them to Sacrament Meeting lets them experience the Holy Ghost.  Those three things are so important.  That was a tiny condensation of a much longer and very meaningful discussion.

The Varners' son-in-law is part of Meier's Meat Market family in Salt Lake City and Highland.  They shipped 150 pounds of wonderful tri-tip steak that was cooked for the lunches.  Also, Sister Varner's sisters made individual boxes of caramels and toffee for every single missionary and hand carried them on the plane.  The whole family got involved in making the missionaries happy!

During lunch, some of the missionaries donned silly costumes. They were invited to wear ugly sweaters, but some went a little crazy. There was also a white elephant exchange at the end of the day.  It was a fun and uplifting day.

Santa Varner and our district
The stake center where the zone conference was held is right next door to the Baton Rouge Temple.  It has been under renovation for a while, and was supposed to be open in January.  However, as workers kept prodding, more moisture damage was discovered and now it won't be ready to reopen until next fall.

Baton Rouge Temple refurbishing
We worked a little this week with helping seminary teachers finish up the term and administer the assessment.  Student have to get at least 75% on the assessment, complete all of the reading, and attend class at least 75% of the time to get credit toward seminary graduation.

We also went out visiting members in the Marksville Branch this week.

Yesterday Elder Kerr spent most of the day baking cookies.  We made up goody bags for every household in the branch and handed them out after church today.  Also made them for the missionaries, a few neighbors, and some members of the Alexandria Ward.

To take a break from making cookies, we took a walk in the park in the afternoon.  Not too often in Utah do you take a walk on the first full day of winter in your shirtsleeves while watching a family fly a kite in 71 degree weather!  Some trees have lost their leaves, some still have a few fall leaves, and some still have all their leaves.    These pictures were both taken in the park yesterday.

Sunny, warm winter day

The grass above is brown, but lots of lawns are still green and pretty.  In quite a few places we see gardens with lettuce ready to harvest.  Other greens as well, but I can't identify them as we drive by.

Today we drove the elders and sisters stationed in Alexandria to Sister Ferrington's home for dinner.  She is our Stake S & I Coordinator, and she had invited us all to eat with her today. She lives about 25 miles away in a little town called Deville.  She's a native of Louisiana, grew up on a cotton farm, and is a fifth generation member of the church. We really enjoy her, had a nice meal, then watched Mr. Krueger's Christmas.  A very nice afternoon.

We wish a Very Merry Christmas to all our Family and Friends


  1. Merry Christmas!!! Love your posts -- Love you!! Marjie (Warm Christmases are really nice.)

  2. Thanks for these posts. I love them as well.
