October 23, 2019

Week 56 1/2

The blog will be on hiatus this Sunday as we spend time with new baby Doug, his sisters and parents in Denver (where it's snowing right now--we don't actually remember what snow looks like!). 

We just got back from visiting the home study seminary class in Many, and we had a good class with our Oakdale inmates today.  Prior to that, we attended District Council.  Wednesday is generally our busiest day.

Yesterday we did one missionary apartment inspection and visited one less active member in Marksville.  He worked on an off-shore oil rig for 25 years until he injured his back several years ago (they work two weeks on and two weeks off the rig). 

It rained heavily almost all day Monday, and a couple of streets were completely flooded when we left the food bank.  Yesterday and today were beautiful and we even felt a hint of autumn in the air. 

And since we have no pictures of anything we've seen or done this week, here is the state symbol--the fleur de lis.  It shows up everywhere:

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