November 3, 2019

Week 58

From October 24-31 we were in Denver with the Marsh family--featuring new baby Doug. We were so happy that we could go and help out (as well as snuggle grandchildren).  There really isn't a lot to say, so here are the week's pictures.

Brand new Doug with mom and dad
Being grandma

Being grandma some more
Big sisters

Being papa (or horsey)
The weather (and altitude) were quite a change from Louisiana.  It snowed off and on for a couple of days, and when we woke up on Wednesday morning, it was 4 degrees.  Papa walked Wendy down the hill to school and picked her up each day.  School was cancelled on Wednesday, however, because it was so cold.

A cold walk
 On Tuesday the ward had a trunk or treat, but had to move it all inside because of the cold and snow.

Dad and the trick or treaters
Saturday my great niece Rachel got married to Jamas in the Salt Lake Temple .  A happy event we were sorry to miss.

Happy couple
We have no insights into why the chicken crossed the road, but we had to wait for these four to cross on our way home from church today.

And finally, one more picture of our new little grandbaby and his adoring sisters.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the pictures -- was anxiously awaiting -- hoping you would post some. Such cute kids (and grandparents!)
